Peace of Mind

Helping You Sleep Well


This area of financial planning helps protect against the areas between living a short life and a long life giving you peace of mind.  Events such as a Disability, Critical Illness, Long Term Care can have a devastating drain on your finances.  There are times when things don’t go as we had planned.  These happen every day and it is important to remove some of the risk so that your well laid plans can continue to move forward.  Disability coverage is often overlooked.  When you can guarantee a tax-free monthly income of $2500 for only $22/mo why would you choose not to have this coverage?

How this works with your larger financial plan & goals

Life is a journey and we all go through many different stages.  Over time our priorities shift and change.  My job as an advisor is to balance your priorities and try to protect against the unknown.

The last aspect of a balanced plan is everything in-between.  This focuses on protecting against life’s hiccups giving you peace of mind.  It can be something like a car accident, disability, poor health(cancer, heart attack), Critical illness, Travel insurance.  When we guard against these life events it helps to ensure that everything falls into place and that we get to our retirement goals.  This aspect of your plan is often overlooked and it is the ‘meat and potatoes’ of any financial plan.  Do you know your options? Ask Us!

In summary it is important that we consider all aspects and we welcome the opportunity to review YOUR current plan.  Knowing you have your ‘angles covered’ allows you to focus on living your life.